Pipe Carving Rankings / Definitions:
Initiate (by invitation of leadership, until the 90 day probationary period has elapse)
A new member that has demonstrated a desire to learn the craft of pipe making with the assistance of a carver peer group.
Novice (voted on by Craftsman and up)
To achieve Novice status an Initiate must:
Correctly answer a small amount of general pipe and crafting questions about pipe making. Subjects can include: Briar, grain, shapes, stems, tooling, safety, etc..
Correctly identify shape silhouettes.
Apprentice (voted on (min 2 judges) by Craftsman and up)
A Novice that has demonstrated in pipe carving, the ability to execute proper drilling and have at minimum, rough shaping skills.
To achieve Apprentice status an Novice must:
Craft a pipe (straight stumel) properly drilled air way, tobacco chamber and mortis, with shaping of the stumel to show style of shape.
The candidate will then send the pipe to the leadership for inspection. When the inspection process is completed the pipe will returned to the Initiate along with an Inspection Summary Form (ISF). The ISF will explain in detail the reasons why or why not the submitted work is a justified example for the requested change in rankings.
Adept (voted on (min 2 judges) by Craftsman and up)
An Apprentice that has demonstrated in pipe carving the ability to execute proper bowl shaping and achieve the bellow requirements of Apprentice.
To achieve Adept status and Apprentice must:
Craft a pipe (straight, any shape) along with a proper stem (can be a purchased molded stem, no band or ring) detailed from tenon (fitting mortis correctly) to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing. Pipe may be finished as sandblast, smooth or rusticated, but must be done with detail, skill and complement the overall design.
The candidate will then send the pipe to the leadership for inspection. When the inspection process is completed the pipe will returned to the candidate along with an Inspection Summary Form (ISF). The ISF will explain in detail the reasons why or why not the submitted work is a justified example for the requested change in rankings.
Journeyman (voted on (min 3 judges) by Craftsman and up)
An Adept that has demonstrated in pipe carving the ability to execute proper bowl shaping and hand cut stem with effective mechanics, The Adept must have a history of (a min of 5 pipes) exceeding the ranking of Adept, and achieve the bellow requirements of Adept, Apprentice, Novice and Initiate.
To achieve Journeyman status and Adept must:
1. Make 2 pipes the same (as twins) with flush fit hand cut stems (no band or ring) detailed from tenon (fitting mortis correctly) to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing. Pipe will be finished as smooth, but must be done with detail and may be stained or naked but must be finished and waxed. Shaping of the stumel must be the noticeable shape, with a noticeable definition of shank to bowl transition, straight lines and or fluid curves. Light defects or scratches may be overlooked but effort and time attempted at final product must be visible in the pipes. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
2. A pipe that is ¼ bent (any shape), with flush fit hand cut stems (no band or ring) detailed from tenon (fitting mortis correctly) to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing. Pipe will be finished as smooth, but must be done with detail and may be stained or naked but must be finished and waxed. Shaping of the stumel must be the noticeable shape, with a noticeable definition of shank to bowl transition, straight lines and or fluid curves. Light defects or scratches may be overlooked but effort and time attempted at final product must be visible in the pipes. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
3. A pipe that is ¼ bent (any shape), with flush fit hand cut stems (no band or ring) detailed from tenon (fitting mortis correctly) to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing. Pipe will be finished as smooth, but must be done with detail and may be stained or naked but must be finished and waxed. Shaping of the stumel must be the noticeable shape, with a noticeable definition of shank to bowl transition, straight lines and or fluid curves. Light defects or scratches may be overlooked but effort and time attempted at final product must be visible in the pipe. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
4. The candidate will then send the pipe to the leadership for inspection. When the inspection process is completed the pipe will returned to the candidate along with an Inspection Summary Form (ISF). The ISF will explain in detail the reasons why or why not the submitted work is a justified example for the requested change in rankings.
Craftsman (voted on (min 4 judges) by craftsman, Collectors, Known leaders of the hobby, high end carvers and leadership)
A Journeyman that has demonstrated in pipe carving the ability to achieve High quality proper shaping, bowl to stem transition, the ability to make and fit a band or ring, able to produce a high contrast staining, produce a clean smooth finish and must have produce a clean clear sandblast or fine rustication in the past 6 months. The Journeyman must also have shown a history of pipes (at min of 5) being the quality of exceeding Journeyman level. The Journeyman must have completed the lower ranking requirements. To achieve Craftsman status and Journeyman must craft a
1. A pipe (1/2 bent, Billiard) with a band or ring, execution of proper shaping and detailing of a smooth finish with no pipe maker defects. The stumel must have a shape being done with high quality in surface, lines and or curves, no scratches allowed. Finish of the pipe must be in a high contrast staining showing opposing and distinct colors of the stain. The airway intersecting with the tobacco chamber must be in line with the bottom of the bowl with no oversized oval or lip (high) or protruding into the bottom of the airway. The Pipe must have a proper hand cut bent stem from tenon to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing, that compliments the overall design and shape with no defects or scratches. Button must be uniform, distinct oval or football button, trumpeting or clean funnel. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
2. The journeyman also must craft a pipe (straight, Rhodesian) with No band or ring, execution of proper shaping and detailing of a smooth finish with no pipe maker defects. The stumel must have a shape being done with high quality in surface, lines and or curves, no scratches allowed. Finish of the pipe must be in a high contrast staining showing opposing and distinct colors of the stain. The Pipe must have a proper hand cut stem from tenon to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing, that compliments the overall design and shape with no defects or scratches. Button must be uniform, distinct oval or football button, trumpeting or clean funnel. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
3. The Journeyman also must craft a pipe of their own design, displaying their own style and craftsmanship type, showing execution of proper shaping and detailing of a smooth finish with no pipe maker defects. The stumel must have a shape being done with high quality in surface, lines and or curves, no scratches allowed. Pipe must have a finish and style that is deserving of the Craftsman Ranking. The pipe must have some kind of extension. The Pipe must have a proper hand cut stem from tenon to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing, that compliments the overall design and shape with no defects or scratches. Button must be uniform, distinct oval or football button, trumpeting or clean funnel. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
4. These pipes will be sent to the leadership for inspection Apprentice, Adept, Journeyman and Craftsman requirements. The Journeyman must also include documentation (resume) to include When the Journeyman started making pipes, photos of pipes made by the Journeyman (min of 10), special materials that have been used in the past, all materials used on pipes for inspection to include all wood, stem material, plastics, finishing material and so on. When the inspection is complete to include test smoking 1 of the pipes, they will be sent back to the Journeyman with approval or full and detailed wordage or with drawings or other aid for explanation of reasons why it was not approved for Craftsman status. The Craftsman is subject to all the guidelines bellow. (the test smoked pipe may on agreement with Craftsman be donated to The Pipe Carvers Guild Museum, becoming the property of the Guild to be shown and displayed at the main workshop of the Guild to show visiting members of the Guild Shop the craftsmanship of the members.)
Master Craftsman (voted on (min 5 judges) by Collectors, Known leaders of the hobby, high end carvers and leadership)
A Craftsman that has demonstrated in pipe carving, achieved a status that he/she is known by and looked up to, has shown mastery of their own style and can achieve that of or higher than normal High Grade standards in pipe carving. The Craftsman must have demonstrated now or in the past a vast array of rustications or detailed textures, knowledge and skill of design and color choices and makes all parts of his pipes from raw materials and knows about all the raw materials he uses or has used (hazards, quality, longevity). Shown a high participation level in the guild, the pipe smoking and carving community and strives to help Guild members to meet there goals. The Craftsman also must have met the bellow requirements of all rankings. To achieve Master Craftsman status the Craftsman must achieve the bellow pipes within 2 months of the request for testing.
1. Design and craft a pipe with execution of proper shaping and detailing of a proper had cut stem to fit the design of the pipe. The overall design, fit and finish of the pipe must have the execution of an extra ordinary art piece that deserves the title or rank. Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
2. The Craftsman also must craft a pipe (Churchwarden, design around a starting idea to be given at time of request) with a ring and shank extension with the proper shaping and detailing of a smooth finish High contrast, with a proper hand cut bent stem at least 8 inches long from tenon to button, proper airway, fish tail and finishing. Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
3. A straight grain or Oom paul that is executed at a professional level. Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
4. A blow fish also must be crafted by the Craftsman using his/her original design. Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
5. A level of skill must be present in all the pipes and the present history of the carver that are above a standard high grade maker in workmanship and devotion to the craft of pipe making. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
These pipes and the Craftsman must also include documentation (resume) to include When the Craftsman started making pipes, photos of pipes made by the Craftsman (min of 10), special materials that have been used in the past, all materials used on pipes for inspection to include all wood, stem material, plastics, finishing material and so on, photos of all the above required pipes as parts before assembled or affixed together so the judges can see how the pipe was detailed and worked under the finished pipe surface. All of this will be sent to the leadership for inspection of all rankings and Master Craftsman requirements to include test smoking at least 2 of the pipes. Judges must review pipes sent, history (judges will take into account pipes made in the past for value of their selling price) and documentation of the Craftsman and the majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the Craftsman as reached the ranking. When inspection is complete, one the smoked pipes with agreement from Craftsman will be selected and Held in The Pipe Carvers Guild Museum (becoming the property of the Guild to be shown and displayed at the main workshop of the Guild to show visiting members of the Guild Shop the craftsmanship of the members.) and the remaining returned if passed or all sent back to the Craftsman if denied, the Craftsman will be notified with approval or full and detailed wordage or with drawings or other aid for explanation of reasons why it was not approved for Craftsman status. The Craftsman is subject to all the guidelines bellow.
Grandmaster Craftsman (voted on (min 5 judges) by Collectors, Known leaders of the hobby, high end carvers and leadership)
This classification will be reserved for the pipe carver that has meet all the bellow requirements, (and is subject to all the guide lines of the ranks bellow) and has achieved a status in pipe carving that he/she is known by and looked up to, has shown mastery of their own style and can achieve that of, or higher than normal High Grade standards in pipe carving. Has shown a HIGH level of skill that majority of carvers do not possess. Has shown an ability to design a one of a kind piece that follows the internal and pipe make up required. This person must also reach a level of information that allows demonstration and instruction on all standard pipe making methods. The Master Craftsman must have shown a drive to help and further the pipe smoking and pipe carving community and have the attitude of a craftsman (no egos). Shown a high participation level in the guild and strives to help members to meet there goals. To Achieve Grandmaster Craftsman the Master Craftsman must produce and present the below within 2 months of request:
1. Oom Paul pipe, finish of smooth and high contrast (properly drilled, drilling like cavalier or any plugged drill will be refused). It must have a hinged wind cap that is hand crafted.
Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
2. Briar calabash (true calabash), any finish
Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
3. German Pipe, shape style Bavarian
Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
4. Full bent high contrast
Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
5. Any shape with fade staining of gold and black
Majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the piece.
6. Give an instructional class to at least 2 voters on how any one of these pipes was crafted.
7. An original design
The original design must be at the quality of the unordinary and design is original in style of the carver being tested. Majority of the judges must agree on the quality, originality and detail of the piece.
8. A level of skill must be present in all the pipes that are above a standard high grade maker. At least one of the above pipes must have a flush band, one must have a ring (raised), and one must have an endcap. All parts of the pipes must be crafted from raw materials by the carver being tested.
These will be sent for inspection for craftsmanship and quality, to include smoke ability (at least two of the above pipes), design, internals, and Thermal dynamics. The Master Craftsman must also include documentation (resume) to include When the Master Craftsman started making pipes, photos of pipes made by the Master Craftsman (min of 10) special materials that have been used in the past, all materials used on pipes for inspection to include all wood, stem material, plastics, finishing material and so on, photos of all the above required pipes as parts before assembled or affixed together so the judges can see how the pipe was detailed and worked under the finished pipe surface. All of this will be sent to the leadership for inspection of all rankings and Master Craftsman requirements. Judges must review pipes sent, history (judges will take into account pipes made in the past for value of their selling price) and documentation of the Master Craftsman and the majority of the judges must agree on the quality of the Master Craftsman as reached the ranking. When inspection is complete, one the pipes with agreement from Master Craftsman, will be selected and Held in The Pipe Carvers Guild Museum (becoming the property of the Guild to be shown and displayed at the main workshop of the Guild to show visiting members of the Guild Shop the craftsmanship of the members.) and the remaining returned if passed or all sent back to the Master Craftsman if denied, the Master Craftsman will be notified with approval or full and detailed wordage or with drawings or other aid for explanation of reasons why it was not approved for Grandmaster Craftsman status. The Master Craftsman is subject to all the guidelines bellow. This title can be removed to Master Craftsman, Craftsman or Apprentice at any time due to substandard or sub-par craftsmanship or ego. This is a Carver or craftsman that should be at a status of other carvers looking up to and trying to achieve his level of quality, and this craftsman should be offering aid to allow their growth.